Bardam's Mettle

Bardam's Mettle

Level 65, ilvl 250


The Azim Steppe (X:11.3, Y:11.1)

In the Footsteps of Bardam the Brave

If you are to participate in the Naadam, and fight alongside the Mol, you must first be recognized as a warrior of the Steppe. To earn this honor, you will be required to complete a rite of passage involving walking in the footsteps of the legendary hero Bardam and taming a yol. Each must do this by themselves, of course, and so you shall...though if by pure coincidence some of your fellow adventurers happened to have made the long journey to the Far East, and simply insisted on accompanying you...surely no one would be any the wiser?  



In the fight against Galura, there are several abilities that players need to be aware of. Firstly, there is the ability called "Heave," which is a frontal cone AOE attack that the tank should dodge when necessary. Next, there is "Crumbling Crust," which involves Galura casting 4 telegraphed quick casting AoEs around itself after a short cast time. These AoEs deal moderate damage and can stack, so melee players should dodge them as required. Another ability is "Rush," where Galura will tether an off-aggro target and charge in a straight line. Marked players should distance themselves from Galura to reduce damage, indicated by a change in the tether's color. Other players should simply move out of Galura's path. Following Rush, Galura will use "War Cry," which deals partywide damage, followed by "Earthquake," causing partywide damage and stunning all players. During this time, animals marked with a '!' symbol in the pen will begin charging up their AoE attacks, with the type of animal determining the type of attack. Galura repeats this sequence three times throughout the fight. The animals' attacks include a straight line AoE known as "Ram," a large frontal cone AoE called "Coeurl," and a small circle AoE named "Kukurul." These attacks occur at different phases of the fight, with Ram appearing in all three phases, Coeurl appearing after the second Rush, and Kukurul appearing after the third Rush.


This is a non-combat boss fight with multiple phases. Each phase consists of various mechanics that players must successfully complete or dodge. If a player fails twice during any phase, they will receive a fetters debuff until the end of the phase. However, debuffs will be cleansed at the end of each phase. In order to proceed to the next phase, at least one player must survive the mechanics. If all players fail, the fight will be forced to repeat. It is important to note that using Duty Support will reset the fight if the player character fails, regardless of the status of the NPCs. In Phase 1, players will encounter mechanics such as Magnetism, which pulls all players towards the center of the room. After Magnetism, a circle AoE will appear in the center called Travail (shockwave), followed by a circle AoE covering the remainder of the outer arena. To dodge this, players should stand just outside the inner AoE facing away from the Hunter of Bardam, and then immediately walk backwards to avoid the outer AoE. Additionally, Spears will appear along the edge of the map and fire off AoEs, creating a chessboard of safe zones. Players must also watch out for Empty Gaze, which charges while Travail and Spear charges are running and should be dodged by turning away. Phase 2 introduces new mechanics such as Travail (lightning), which is a lightning attack on the whole party. To avoid this attack, players should stand on prism towers. There is also Travail (firestorm), where all players are marked and rings of fire drop periodically over their heads. To prevent dropping the AOE onto an ally's escape path, players should spread out and run clockwise. Additionally, a Heavy Strike with a 270-degree front cone attack can be avoided by positioning behind the golem. Players will also encounter Star fall, which spawns 4 large circular AoEs that leave behind Star shards to be used in the next phase. Safe spots for this mechanic include the center and the outer edge of the arena. Phase 3 features the Looming Shadow, a meteor attack with an extremely long cast time. Players must hide behind a Star shard to dodge this attack. Travail (summon warriors) will break the East and West star shards. The most challenging mechanic of this phase is the Magnetism + Spear charge + Heavy Strike + Shockwave combo, which turns the floor into lava. Players must find a safe spot and avoid these attacks, as they will destroy one of the two remaining star shards. After these attacks, the meteor will land, and players should hide behind the last star shard to evade its damage.


Phase 1 includes four abilities: Feathercut, Wind Unbound, Flutterfall, and Eye of the Fierce. Feathercut is a frontal cleave tank-buster, Wind Unbound is a group-wide AoE that spawns orbs around the arena which periodically fire line AoEs, Flutterfall marks all players with orange markers and they need to spread out to avoid overlapping splash damage, and Eye of the Fierce is a gaze attack that causes Confusion, so players need to look away to avoid being affected. At the end of Phase 1, Yol retreats and spawns a Corpsecleaner Eagle. Once the first eagle is killed, Yol spawns one more and after killing it Yol returns to the arena. During this time, Yol will periodically appear at the edge of the arena, performing line AoE attacks with no markers, so players should move out from in front of Yol to avoid damage. Phase 2 starts with the ability Wingbeat, which marks a player with a green marker and knocks them to the outer edge of the arena. Players need to quickly get back to the center to avoid outer AoEs. In this phase, Yol's wings become targetable and Yol becomes untargetable. Players must kill both wings to proceed. Yol also spawns three circular AoEs that rotate clockwise around the outer edge of the arena, so players should stay close to the center to avoid them. Once Yol's wings are shattered, the fights mechanics will repeat until Yol is defeated. It's worth noting that this phase can be skipped entirely with a well-timed Limit Break just before Yol starts his second phase.
